Gut Feelings: How your microbiome influences your personality

It’s well known that there are as many microbes in our intestines as there are cells that make up our bodies. It makes sense that the balance and distribution of microbes in our intestines affects our digestive health, and vice versa. Research has increasingly shown that the microbiome, as the collection of microbes is called, should be considered as another organ in our bodies, one that needs to be healthy as much as any other organ, and can contribute to…

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Creating Yourself

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw Season’s Greetings! We hope you had sweet and satisfying holidays filled with serendipitous delight. After the holidays, many people make resolutions about how they want to improve. Our Personal New Year’s Practice Periodically we like to look at ourselves honestly, and compare how we have been doing with how we would like to be doing. We often realize that there are some character traits that would…

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The Annals of Matrix Repatterning

At our Thanksgiving dinner, our nephew told a joke He said that his back had been hurting, and he needed to come and get treated. “But,” he said, “knowing you, you’re probably going to tell me that it’s a problem with my earlobe.” Ha Ha! Farfetched? Maybe… Recently a patient came in with some back pain that was unusual for her. She said it came “out of the blue” without any provoking incidents. “Nothing out of the ordinary in your life?…

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Thanksgiving 2023

How to be thankful despite a stressful world This is a hard time in the world There are wars, political churlishness and nuttiness, climate change, pollution on many levels, financial stress from inflation, all sorts of stressful things. How can we even begin to deal with all of these things? Stoic philosophers provide the answer Stoic philosophers like Epictetus realized that although we can’t control what is going on around us, we have the ability to control how we respond…

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Cool shoes or cruel shoes?

Above is a picture of my foot between my hiking boot and a fashionable shoe from a local store. Which one would you want to wear all day? Americans seem to have a sort of foot fetish. A study by the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons of 1000 women found that 80% of them were wearing shoes too small for their feet! As if smaller feet are the keys to more success in life and love. This does not…

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What’s in your underwear?

Now that I’ve got your attention, I want to talk about a bizarre but serious issue. Recently someone came in to see me again for a neck problem that hadn’t gone away even after I had treated it several times with what should have worked. I couldn’t discern anything that might be causing her problems to continue, and this situation caused us both to be frustrated. I knew there had to be a reason her neck kept tightening up. On…

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