In February 1982, I paid my first visit to Allen Berger, D.C. This visit was prompted by repeated requests of all my family members due to the fact that my health had deteriorated to a point that my very existence was in jeopardy.
My problems were the result of poor eating habits, misuse of eating habits and stress. The liver was not functioning properly. And I was hospitalized for a period of twelve days. Upon my release a series of drugs were prescribed to no avail except side effects of pain in every joint and a severe rash up to my knees that would not respond to any treatment which was recommended by several medical doctors that had seen me or who had been consulted on my condition. It was quite evident that my ability to move about was waning and my condition was on a definite downward trend.
Dr. Berger immediately put me on various vitamin and nutrients. I made weekly visits to him for treatment for a period of months at which time blood tests were made and analyzed. These tests showed a continuing improvement. Dr. Berger would change the type of nutrient from time to time to further the betterment of my wellbeing that had started to make itself evident.
As of this writing the liver functions are all within normal range. The severe rash has completely healed. My strength has gotten to a point where I can fish a stream or hunt upland birds and small game, which as a retiree I have been able to do quite often these past year and a half.
Words are hard to come by to express the delight that Dr. Berger’s expertise in restoring my health had brought to my family.