I’ve probably had migraine headaches all my life. The earliest one I remember is at age eight when I had to lie down in a dark room after being sick on the school bus.
I’ve had allergy tests twice. The amazing thing about those tests was that the real culprit (dairy products) causing the headaches (according to Dr. Berger) never showed up. I just injected myself with these antigens for five years to no avail. Now I know why this method never worked.
When I finally came to Dr. Berger on June 8, I’d had a migraine since Memorial Day weekend. I’d carried his card around in my purse six months after receiving a referral from my neurolinguistic programmer. I figured the problem was probably altitude because I’d spent the holiday in Huston and had a history of this symptom before. My husband and I had determined that we’d leave Denver if I couldn’t get relief somehow.
I kept a food diary. . . now I have given up all dairy products, sugar and alcohol. Believe me, the trade offs are worth it! A cure for these awful headaches was not what I had expected. I figured I’d just find a way to manage the pain. I never realized I felt terrible all the time. The acupuncture, chiropractic and nutritional methods of Dr. Berger have literally given me a new lease on life.
My gynecologist, prior to my treatments with Dr. Berger, had given me various prescription medications to help manage the headache pain, but I haven’t had so much as an aspirin since June 8, 1990. when I told her the good news during my check up in November, was she ever surprised! I think she’s considering this type of treatment because she has migraines too. I told her she really needs to get well so she can enjoy life the way it is meant to be enjoyed.
Thank you, Dr. Berger. This has been a positive factor in my move to Denver.