mature couple viewing beautiful mountains with arms around each other

Conscious Aging

Aging can be a vibrant season of your life!

You can use the gift of aging to:

  • Harvest the fruits of your life
  • Acknowledge your accumulated experience and wisdom
  • Cultivate gratitude for what your life brought you
  • Create a new, fulfilling phase for yourself to savor
  • Truly enjoy your senior years rather than merely enduring them
  • Experience the joy filled journey of role to soul
  • Transform your aging into sage-ing

We live in a culture that is focused on material things that we can perform, accumulate, and consume. Typically, we are only acknowledged for what we can purchase or otherwise achieve that can be witnessed from the outside. We have been trained to devote all our time and energy into the physical things that can demonstrate that we are “successful.”

Once we transition into our elder years, the rules change, because our focus changes, and we can’t rely on our existing programs and roadmaps. This often leaves us feeling empty and purposeless. We have a hard time feeling successful without the outer trappings that used to be the only way we could demonstrate that we were doing well. We need to develop a new consciousness that can enhance the value of life without endlessly pursuing the material accomplishments we previously relied on. We want to be able to savor our new way of being.

Our Conscious Aging program supports you in finding meaning, value, and inspiration in this sacred and special part of life. In addition to counseling and other supportive processes, we work together using transformative NET procedures (NeuroEmotional Technique) to help you clear away old emotional trauma and help you reframe your beliefs about the things that happened to you in the past into a new awareness of how those things happened for your ultimate development. Based on this work, we can create personalized meditations to help you access your deeper wisdom and compassion and facilitate your transformation and growth.

Experience your aging process on a whole new level through the Conscious Aging Program.